Monday, October 11, 2010

EXP 2 - Concept (Porosity Lens Brief)

In a broad sense, the concept is a train station that has a 'real time' understanding of the people within, including location and who they are as a demographic. The focus of this content is on the media presentation and advertisement direction on the digital screens when the people come within its proximity, which each screen can fade out, change channel, present subtitles and change language depending on the demographic, human presence, disability and/or nationality of the person. During peak periods when multiple persons of various demographics come together, the majority rules and content is decided upon quantity and demographic value.

For example the image below could demostrate the school kids finishing for the day at 3pm, they populate the station and media content and advertisment can intelligently tune into the demographics interest (people in D and E). All the while attending to the minority well in other sections (people of C and B).

HOW THE TRAIN YARD IDENTIFIES PEOPLE: When a customer buys a train ticket, they give their membership identifier, (such as a code) when buying a ticket. Tickets are fitted with a microchip that is tracked within the station sensors. Getting membership only requires a simple sign up and some few survey questions to answer like Age, Sex and General interests etc, alternatively you could give the station your email address if your with Google or Yahoo to build an even smarter demograph identifier as the information about you has alerady been identified much more extensively. Privacy remains current as only broad basis's have been established.

Person A: As person A enters the train station they are identified as a certain demograph. (The Green ring around identifies this person as 'Sport Local (Male) Age 18 - 29' for example).

Person B: Person B leaves the second last screen before the stairs, as their is no one there the screen fades out to save energy and appliance shelf life while the last screen fades into media content applicable towards that demographic as in this case 'Lifestyle (Female)'.

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