Friday, November 5, 2010

Files - 3D WareHouse


Crysis Level Files Click Here

Experiment 2 - The Porosity Lens - Final

Research Tutorial - Final

Crysis SandBox 2 Tutorial - Advanced Camera Movement and Editing


Xanthacori Camera Scene - -Retrieved 5-11-2010

500 Words Text on the Tutorial

The tutorial

Advanced Camera Movement and Fast Editing Techniques

I have decided to make a tutorial on camera tracking and editing as I feel these skills in production greatly enhance presentations. Furthermore I felt there was a large knowledge gap within student videos this year using cameras in their Crysis presentations. Videos with a large bulky black nanosuit marine can be distracting and lowers the professionalism. Also a positive aspect is that the learning curve is easy and to be adept at editing complex camera fluidity does not take long to master.

It was only in the last scene in Exp 1 that I used a camera, and I felt disappointed that I had not developed the skill to use cameras earlier for the previous animations (as I was having problems of the nanosuit character shaking around on platforms that move over a certain speed). Carrying over this basic knowledge helped greatly in the Exp2 video as I was able to pan the camera around more eloquently thus improving the overall feel and quality of the video.

The Tutorial will be based upon setting up a scenario and showing a pre-made cut-scene as the goal to achieve. Hopefully I will be able to demonstrate this tutorial quickly by using techniques that I feel are useful for the user, but not entirely obvious from the first instance. The video will be labeled ‘Advanced’ as I would like to indicate to viewers that they should have some basic knowledge in Crysis.

As the tutorial begins I should have a completed version and an empty version. So now I could essentially break up to two separate videos when editing the video in Vegas, one to show the goal and the second ‘how-to’ part to begin afterwards. For me the objective when making the tutorial is to communicate clearly while repeating important key elements in the video, this way the video demonstrates a rhythm which teaches the viewers the work flow and thought process.

For this tutorial to be good the start cut scene that indicates the goal must present complex camera panning that is deliberate and controlled. This would inspire the viewer that this is something worth learning. Because I feel my camera panning is good, it would be handy to share this among others.

Node Mastery 3 - Math:Random


This video demonstrates the Math:Random nodes attached to a X and Y vector position of an object. I have added a 'Movement:MoveEntityTo' node to make the movement to each new position more fluid and interesting.

Random Movement key idea

Node Mastery 2 - Mass Proximity

A demograph Proximity Trigger Flow Graph

This flowgraph moves the demograph coloured bar either forward in view when an entity enters proximity or back inside the screen when entity leaves proximity.


The Concept problem was solved by discovering a property in the proximity trigger parameter bar. OnlySelectedEntity can channel a proximity to react only to specific entities. In this case my solution was to just make multiple proximities of the different demographs, which then allows me to make however many demographs I would like.

Node Mastery 1 - AI:EntityFollowPathSpeedStance

AI:AIFollowPathSpeedStance node was a foundational element to my Porosity Experiments. In the movie above I have also attached smart objects into the scene to enhance public behaviour and fluidity. Additionally I have also made a short tutorial on making an entitity AI follow a path.


Trying to figure the solution in representing the Media Screen Concept

The Gateway Node that Jules had showed me was extremely interesting and this flowgraph worked in changing a material if an entity comes near by (using EntitiesInRange also), so in this case my media screens could change the image depending on entity presence, however EntitiesInRange Node used with gateway nodes are such that they are limited to only 2 entities. It would not be so satisfying communicating a concept of demographs with only 2 types.

After getting so far with the concept using these nodes, I was even further away to discovering a solution.

Monday, October 11, 2010

EXP 2 - Concept (Porosity Lens Brief)

In a broad sense, the concept is a train station that has a 'real time' understanding of the people within, including location and who they are as a demographic. The focus of this content is on the media presentation and advertisement direction on the digital screens when the people come within its proximity, which each screen can fade out, change channel, present subtitles and change language depending on the demographic, human presence, disability and/or nationality of the person. During peak periods when multiple persons of various demographics come together, the majority rules and content is decided upon quantity and demographic value.

For example the image below could demostrate the school kids finishing for the day at 3pm, they populate the station and media content and advertisment can intelligently tune into the demographics interest (people in D and E). All the while attending to the minority well in other sections (people of C and B).

HOW THE TRAIN YARD IDENTIFIES PEOPLE: When a customer buys a train ticket, they give their membership identifier, (such as a code) when buying a ticket. Tickets are fitted with a microchip that is tracked within the station sensors. Getting membership only requires a simple sign up and some few survey questions to answer like Age, Sex and General interests etc, alternatively you could give the station your email address if your with Google or Yahoo to build an even smarter demograph identifier as the information about you has alerady been identified much more extensively. Privacy remains current as only broad basis's have been established.

Person A: As person A enters the train station they are identified as a certain demograph. (The Green ring around identifies this person as 'Sport Local (Male) Age 18 - 29' for example).

Person B: Person B leaves the second last screen before the stairs, as their is no one there the screen fades out to save energy and appliance shelf life while the last screen fades into media content applicable towards that demographic as in this case 'Lifestyle (Female)'.

EXP 2 - Enviroment

--Enviroment work in progress--

As we are to use the BENV2423 Town Hall model train station in this experiment, I would set my porosity concept inside a modified version of a train platform, this presents lots of opportunity of peoples porosity interacting inside and outside.

EXP 2 - Node 3 Research

Proximity Node

The Proximity node is attached to an Interpol:Float node which fades materials in and out however changing material parameters can cause bugs. It may look like it is working but when the blue object fades out, the glow attribute somehow unintentionally is applied onto the surface and smoothers the fade.

Friday, October 1, 2010

EXP 2 - Node 2 Research


This video demonstrates the Math:Random nodes attached to a X and Y vector position of an object. I have added a 'Movement:MoveEntityTo' node to make the movement to each new position more fluid and interesting.

Random Movement key idea

Thursday, September 30, 2010

EXP 2 - Node 1 Research


This node controls and initiates any AI characters pathway movement and speed along a predetermined pathway.

Speed Understood

The 'run' variable has four levels controled by numbers:

0 = Slow
1 = Normal (Walk)
2 = Fast (Run)
3 = Very Fast (Sprint)

The Stance controls the mood in which the AI character is in.

0 = Prone
1 = Crouch
2 = Combat
3 = Combat Alerted
4 = Relaxed
5 = Stealth

The video below demonstrates AI moving along constructed paths that are looped with some added featured behaviours such as Smoking and Cleaning.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Porosity Documentary

(HD quality render available)

Crysis Wars Enviroment and Sketchup Models

Crysis Level and Objects: level and objects .zip

Sketchup Models:

Spade Platform, Tile and Trigger models


To animate and explore the chaotic reaction when 1000s of tiles collapse. Surface porosity is created at the start of a breakout, producing complex textures. The collective surface of thousands of tiles creates pores in a significant way and the complex transitions - to intricate to take all in - are absorbed by the periphery, this creates a sense of awe as the action overwhelms. This is only acheived by simulating vast object quantities, other than that the scene would be comprehendable and predictable. This idea came to mind when I was covering explosives with carpets of barrels to then render the outward explosions. I found after a while I was more intrigued by pre setup stage of the numerous barrels in flight filling and covering the detonation areas.

It seems that what is being discovered here are implosions rather than explosions.

Development direction

Captures a natural state of porosity

The barrel amalgamation presents an interesting porosity.

Crysis physics and fire experiments

Fire and smoke particles obstruct the overall view of the form being created by the barrels (although it does look cool).
Porosity is captured in this frame as the fire fills the pores between barrels

Monday, August 16, 2010

Explosion experiments

100+ trucks filled with explosives, stacked on top of each other.